our founder
Bishop Arnold Muwonge lives at the intersection of Faith, Education, Community Transformation, Philanthropy and Innovation.
The Ministry
He is a visionary leader. His ministry stretches outside the four walls of the Church to touch and mentor many lives in commerce, universities and the media and entertainment.
He moved to the UK in the ’90s, where his ministry impacted many, especially in the prayer movement and leadership. Later, in response to a 21-year Kony war in northern Uganda and the AIDS epidemic, he established the Kampala Children’s Centre near Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. Since then, hundreds of children have been given shelter, and thousands have received health care, education, and skills to thrive in their communities. The Centre has developed into a social enterprise skilling many young people, technological advancement and creating employment opportunities for many in Uganda.Bishop Muwonge is a member of The Intentional Bishops Conference (IBC) and was consecrated Bishop by the IBC in 2009. He is also a member of several organisations and networks.